SWISS Life & Career

Welcome – Social Audits

A Standardized Social Audit For All Audiences

Quickly identify the main barriers to communication, efficiency and well-being at all organizational levels. This standardized and ready-to-use questionnaire (10-15 min. per person) allows you to assess the satisfaction of your employees in relation to their current professional activity.


an assessment of the external factors that may significantly contribute to increasing or mitigating a person’s stress levels at a given moment of their professional life.


This tool contributes to the non-therapeutic prevention of professional stress. It  is designed in such a way as to ensure the strict respect of each candidate’s private life.


  • Identification of the positive elements that contribute to the strengthening of the respondents’ personal balance
  • Identification of the main factors that may significantly contribute to professional stress
  • Assessment of the key elements that may significantly contribute to professional motivation
  • Identification of certain situations that may convey high risks of burn-out

Technical features

  • 16 assessment criteria regrouped into 3 dimensions
  • 120 questions / average duration : 10-15 minutes
  • Ipsative test / statistical validation / regional calibration
  • Available languages : EN / FR / DE
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